A mindful snack
Mindfulness reminds us to do everything with awareness. Our formal practice strengthens our ability to be mindful in everyday life....
Same again?
It's Thursday and I am planning for my next few mindfulness drop-in sessions. I notice that I'm trying to make sure I include new...
Mindfulness for Wellbeing Course in Cullercoats
It seems that everywhere we look we can read about the benefits of mindfulness. Steeped in ancient tradition the practice has been...
Why practising Mindfulness is doing nothing to improve your life.
Having trained and worked for several years as a Clinical Psychologist, I was already experienced in a number of techniques aimed at...
Mindfulness and Craving Food
When I was about to attend my first 8 week course in mindfulness, I read about a woman who had lost quite a bit of weight following a...
Mindfulness Course in North Tyneside
Have you heard of Mindfulness and would like to find out if it could be of benefit to you? Did you take an 8 week course but would like...
Can meditation improve physical health?
We have a lot of evidence now that tells us that meditating is good for us. Many of us though have grown up in a culture that tends to...
Rules or Intuition
There is no doubt that modern day life is stressful. For the lucky majority who do not have to worry about basic shelter or food life...
Mindfulness Association 1 year training comes to Newcastle
The well regarded and internationally recognised 1 year training in mindfulness offered by the Mindfulness Association is coming to...
A Mindful Response
I teach mindfulness in a pain clinic in North East England as part of my role in the NHS. There is a long history of evidence that it...