Introduction to Mindfulness Course 4 weeks start 7 September
An introduction to Mindfulness run over 4 sessions of 1.5 hours per session. The course includes an experiential introduction to the mindfulness practices of sitting, bodyscan and mindful movement and a lovingkindness exercise. The course tutor will introduce and lead each exercise before facilitating the opportunity to explore the experience of practising by means of group enquiry. Each session will also involve a discussion about how the practice of Mindfulness can be beneficial to Health and Wellbeing and suggestions for incorporating it into daily life.
The course is led by Chris Penlington, Clinical Psychologist and trained teacher of Mindfulness with the Mindfulness Association. Places will be limited to a maximum of 12 participants per group.
This course is intended to support general wellbeing and is not a substitute for mental health treatment where this may be required. It is not always a good idea to attend mindfulness training at times of particular difficulty in your life. If you are not sure whether this is the right time for you please contact the course tutor for a discussion about this and talk it over with your GP or any mental health professionals who may be involved in your care.